Barry Zito is now a Giant and has a ton of money. He signed a record breaking $126 million. Could this be the year the Giants and Barry Bonds win it all? Doubt it but if they did of course it would be because Bonds is on steroids. I hope that the Giants finish 2nd in the NL behind my Pirates of course. Anyways, Bobby Knight is still tied with Dean Smith after losing last night. North Country sensation Brian Leonard ends college career with a bowl win and 18 all purpose yards. Might not help the stock out but i think he is a sure lock for some NFL team and a lock for a couple million. Heard a ton of bad things about the new Rocky Balboa so i am scared to watch it but i will be brave soon and watch it. Speaking of boxing, Mike Tyson was arrested for DUI and cocaine possession. He was pulled over after almost hitting a sheriff car leaving a nightclub at 1:45 a.m. Lisp and tattoo

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