Here is something that i'm sure would make any parent proud. How would you feel when your child just won the national conest for having the stinkiest shoe's? A 13-year-old Tooele girl has the nation's stinkiest sneakers, and her mother couldn't be happier. "I'm supportive and I'm so proud, even though she stinks," Paula Tuck said today of her daughter Katharine, who won the National Odor Eaters Stinky Rotton Sneaker Competition Monday in Montpelier, Vt.
Katharine Tuck, who walked in the Great Salt Lake to foul up a pair of light purple Nikes with a navy swoosh, bested six other winners of regional competitions to attain the national title. To top it off her brother won second place in the state competition, and is already working on a pair of shoes for next year. At least they aren't doing drugs, yet.
Another one is an autopsy is being performed on a women who was found nude and dead underneath an unconscious unfamiliar man in her apartment. When the woman failed to show up for work, a friend went to her apartment, got the manager to open the door and found her on the floor of the master bedroom, nude, with an unconscious man on top of her. I just don't even have a guess or an answer or even a smart ass comment for that. That is horrible.
Moving on, how would you like to be traveling on a plane and wake up and see a dead body being place in your row in first class? The body of a woman in her seventies, who died after the plane took off , was carried by cabin staff from economy to first class, where there was more space. Her body was propped up in a seat, using pillows. Probably something you don't see or hear of everyday. Not exactly sure what a procedure would be in that case. There are no law suites filed so good job to the flight crew for taking care of an awkward situation.
To top everything off how about the 4 year old that brings in some crack for show a

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