We started the adventure Friday at 1:30 after Mr. Damnyouknowmyhairlooksdamn good finally showed up. 18 beers later and a 2 hour drive we arrive at the hotel. Dr.Crackmeupmakemefeelohsogood arrives and it's on like donkey kong. We decide our first bar is going to be Tully's. Being responsible like we are we dicide it's a better idea not to drive there seeing how we are staying across the road from it. This then turn's into a real life game of Frogger. Being the great Frogger player I am and using the 3 other guys as human shields I and well everyone make it across. We get a big beer and shoot a game of pool. We then decide Tully's is not the place to be although the beer was good, let's get to Marshall St. and start at Chuck's. We get there and it's happy hour $3 pitchers until 9. Several pitchers and 5 rounds of Jager Bomb's later we are feeling good. We ordered Chicken Wings and burgers. We got one of the best burgers i have ever had and it was only 4 bucks. This place is rocking. The bathroom line is about a 10 minute wait and i have about 2 minutes until i piss myself. So outside i go in some alley to piss. I go back in the bar and the guys decide that is time to go to the next place. Whatever i'm game. As we are waiting for a cab some random drunk girl comes over the the Man, The Myth, The Legend and needs to be warmed up. Next thing you know she is allover him and he has his hands right down her pants, must be warming up his hands. With everyone warm we get a cab and head for Armory Square to Daisey Dukes. After seeing the taxi drivers secret camera and thinking at any moment this guy could hold us at gun point and take our money we make it and i'm relieved. We get to Daisey Dukes and there is about 12 people in the bar and a mechanical bull. I ask the guy when people will show up and how much it is to ride that bull. He says its free until 10 and usually people show up there around 1:30. Time check 9:30. Shitty. I tell Ian i signed him up for the bull it's his turn get up there. When your on the bull there is tv's all over the bar showing you and 4 tv's outside the bar facing the street so people can see you. The Bull 11 The Man, The Myth, The legend 0. Beer are still flowing and we decide to move on and check out some other bar. I realize i am starving an
d could use a slice of pizza. Stop at some pizza shop i could of swore was called Ricos Pizza Shop but apparently that place doesn't exist. My bad pizza was ok. So we come to some other Irish type bar where people are sipping Killians and Guiness and it's not even St. Pattys Day. Things are starting to get blury at this point in time and it's roughly midnight. Next thing i know were back at the Pizza shop. Me and Mr. Damnyouknowmyhairlooksdamngood are eating more pizza and i look at him and he has half the pizza allover his face. I laugh and let the pizza stay there. He goes it for seconds then thirsds on the pizza. The Man The Myth The Legend and Dr.Crackmeupmakemefeelohsogood are working some game at the bar and I realize i need to get Mr.damyouknowmyhairlooksgood home. He is a mess. We hop in a cab and we go back to the room. I pass out and am woke up around 2:30-3 am. I have no idea what's going on but then realize they woke me up because Dr.Crackmeupmakemefeelohsogood lost his debit card and his ability to have money. Shitty. We try finding the number to the bars we were at and kept telling 411 that those weren't the names of the bars and couldn't believe they didn't have phones. We decided to worry about it when were sober. Morning arrives and we make some calls and realize the card had to be left at Daisy Dukes. We call and they do not open till 9pm. It is 7 am. Not good. They get telling me that they got yelled at last night in the hotel. Apparently they thought it was a good idea to have a 2:30 am race to the hotel room. They both get a an elevator and sprint to the room. Apparently they were running through the hall like little girls they were told. For the record, Dr. Crackmeupmakemefeelohsogood wins. We get ready and head up to the dome. Get into our $10 parking spot and start to head up to Varsitys for more Pizza and more Beer. Dr. Crackmeupmakemefeelohsogood locks his keys in his car. Ouch. No money, no keys, no car, no luck. We proceed to Pizza and beer and the game and will call AAA after. After watching an amazing game with a Cuse victory that resulted in a mob mentality storming the court, we realize we need to call AAA. We make the call they said 45 minutes. Me and Mr.
Damnyouknowmyhairlooksdamngood decide to go to Chucks to wait. Not a great idea at the time because the line is loooooooong. So we get 24's and go wait with them. An hour and a half goes by no AAA. We call them back apparently they got the wrong number to call. Finally AAA comes he gets his keys we take off. We get a call from the Doc and he is at Chucks playing 20 person flip cup with women. This makes the single guys in my car almost regret the decesion to leave. To make it better we stop at a Sunoco and decide to play Edward 40 hands on the ride home. 2 piss stopts several Mr. damnyouknowmyhairlooksdamngood stories and a couple 40's later and then a stop to get more 240z's we make it home. All in all it makes me realize how i am very glad i do not go to college at Syracuse because i would eat way to much pizza and drink way to much beer but don't we do that already. Yes but it would cost so much more money to do it down there. Dr.Crackmeupmakemefeelohsogood hopefully you got your penis wet to make your weekend better. All in all a great birthday weekend.

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