What kind of idiot throws a shoe at the President and thinks they will get away with it. Hell if you sneeze at the President they will probably bust out the stun gun on you. Here is part of an article I saw on newzjunky.com.
"The brother of the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at US President George W Bush has said that the reporter has been beaten in custody.
Muntadar al-Zaidi has allegedly suffered a broken arm, broken ribs and internal bleeding, his older brother, Dargham, told the BBC.
Mr Zaidi threw his shoes at Mr Bush at a news conference, calling him "a dog".
A spokesperson for the Iraqi military says the journalist is in good health and said the allegations were untrue. Pretty hard to miss a broken arm, broken ribs, and internal bleeding. "
Muntadar al-Zaidi has allegedly suffered a broken arm, broken ribs and internal bleeding, his older brother, Dargham, told the BBC.
Mr Zaidi threw his shoes at Mr Bush at a news conference, calling him "a dog".
A spokesperson for the Iraqi military says the journalist is in good health and said the allegations were untrue. Pretty hard to miss a broken arm, broken ribs, and internal bleeding. "
That's what you get for messing with the President Muntadar- al-Zaidi. Speaking of idiots what about this guy that was arrested for a DWI in Syracuse.
"Robert E. Streeter, 21, of Phelan, Calif., was stopped by Jefferson County sheriff's deputies at 3:43 a.m. Tuesday for driving his 2000 Dodge the wrong way in the northbound lane of Interstate 81 in the town of Ellisburg. He was charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated. His blood alcohol content was 0.19 percent, deputies said. Aggravated DWI, which carries a harsher sentence upon conviction, is charged when the blood alcohol content is 0.18 percent or more. According to police documents, Mr. Streeter said he was driving from Oswego to Fort Drum. He is to appear Jan. 7 in Ellisburg Town Court."
So you are drunk in Syracuse feel the need to drive and just so happens you drive the wrong way? Wow I can't believe you got caught. Have fun in jail.
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