In between football games and during the colts pats game i enjoyed playing a classic NES game. I feel it was the best or one of the best games ever made for NES. Mike Tyson Punch Out. I breezed through the first couple guys Glass Joe, "Make it quick... I want to retire!", which if you didn't beat him you are a disgrace and should just quit right then and there and go punch out a hole in your wall because you are a HUGE loser. Secondly comes Von Kaiser who looks alot like a 70's porn star. Not really sure why it is fun to kick his @$$ but it is a good time maybe because he is the cheap por n star that you as a kid looked at for free to much. Piston Honda "I'll give you a TKO from Tokyo!". You have to beat him to move on. Not a huge challenge but he can get you down if you are half asleep.Don Flemenco is a joke also but a little fun to beat the skinny guy. Easier to beat then glass joe for some reason. King Hippo is the character where it trys to get a little tricky. You must perfectly time his punch to reveal the x on his belly and an easy challenge once you know that to beat him because one hit and he's out. Fat bastard. Giant Tiger I hate with a passion. Has the towel on his head and does his magic tricks. What does it have to do with boxing? Packs a good punch and when you can't beat Bald Bull you go back and fight Giant Tiger again and again because i hate Bald Bull. After you beat Bald Bull you move on to the next series. Soda Popinski is the next drunken guy. And he doesn't even know what his next move is. Tough challenge but i took him out and had a beer with him. Mr. Sandman is the next challenge i took down. Not really sure what he represents because usually all of them make fun of something. Mr. Sandman is very tough to beat. Somehow i did i think it was the beer. Next is Super Macho Man with a huge grey mullet who kicked my a$$. Couldn't beat him and gave up and wanted to punch something out. If i could of gotten past him at least i could of said i lost and quit because of the ear bitter dumbass lisp and girly voice Tyson. I loved the game, i now hate the game, but


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