So there i was Saturday night it was The Govenor of Lisbon's bday and i went over to have a beer with him and see what the night would bring. So i went to his house and he was watching the Wizard of Oz a 1939 classic. Not really what i thought would go down for his 24th bday but whatever. The reason behind him watching it so he says was he wanted to see the hanging of the person in the movie. I had never heard of this myth. So naturally i call his bluff and google it. I found out that it was clearly a huge bird opening it's wings that kind of looks like someone hanging i guess. Click here to see the secene and judge it yourself. I did find out that the snow used in the Wizard of Oz was asbestos. Way to just kill all the actors and hope they die before they want there money huh? And to think they didn't know what it was in the 30's ya right. The discussion about other movie oddities then came up. Three men and

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