This guy from Wales won 2.7 million dollars in the lottery and decided to go back to work at McDonald's. Why? Because it says it makes him happy. He said he loves to work and just loves being there and could only do so much relaxing. He makes more money on interest than he does working at McDonald's. I tell you what if i didn't have to work ever again I would find stuff to do to keep me occupied instead of having to go and work. Either I need to apply to work at McDonald's, find a job that i actually like, or win the lottery. I think the odds are better to get a job at McDonald's. Hell I could super size someones meal and flip some burgers. I bet I could find a way to spend all those millions as well. Hell I could plan my day out for you if I didn't have to work and be a millionaire. Wake up feed the fish, dogs, self and hit the golf course. After golfing all day get some food and go down to my bar in my basement grab a draft beer and turn on the big screen TV, fire up the Xbox 360 and play some video games. When some friends or whoever get there and shoot some pool and continue to drink, maybe play some darts or more video games. Party hard have fun and eventually pass out. Now tell me that's not the life. If i ever win the lottery you might want to look me up and be my friend. Excuse me sir could i get a #2 super sized, hey aren't you that guy that won like 3 million dollars? Ding fries are done.