With March Madness going on I left work and went and hung out with the Mayor of Heuvelton had a couple beers, talked a little baseball, and watched some College Basketball, and had another beer or 3. Then we went to Club DT and had another couple beers. 6 o clock came around and he had to go upstairs for indoor horseshoe league. I had never been apart of it but wanted to check it out see what all the loud thumping was about above the bar on Thursdays. As soon as i walk in i see some make shift ladder i guess which involved about 8 guys and two ladders. One ladder was inserted 3 quarters the way up holding another ladder that was straight up. Some little guy climbed it so they could change the light bulbs on horseshoe pit 4 i think it was. It was something you would see on the Internet like kids don't try this at home, or you might be a redneck if. I was tempted to take a picture with my cell so i could show you guys but i think i was the only one with a cell phone let alone a cellphone that takes pictures and i didn't want to amaze the simple folk and have to explain it and take the chance of them wanting to touch it or use it. So as i sit at the bar above talking with The Mayor trying to embrace what is going on around me all I heard was the metal on metal of the horseshoe consistently hitting the pole or whatever you call it. These guys were all business. Apparently the week before some guy had 12 ringers in 16 throws. I would be lucky to probably get 1 ringer in 16 throws. I was asked to play and before they could even get the question out i had already refused. I don't know why but that group of guys made me feel more uncomfortable then i have felt in a long time possibly ever. I mean people were arguing over 6 dollars. Asking for proper change when ordering a soda. It was like ok this is what the carnies do during the winter. The beer started kicking in so i ventured to the bathroom. It was a nasty looking toilet with a sign that says something like make sure to flush and make sure to piss in the toilet not the floor. Seriously. Naturally the handle on the toilet was broke and the lid was off the top of the toilet so in order to flush it you had to pull it manually. Let's just say sorry guys i did not flush. The sink was a make shift sink with a hose and like a plastic tub type thing i don't know. I really wish i was able to take some pictures so you could get a visual of this place. If i wasn't so scared and i could play horseshoes it might be a pretty good time. After I witnessed this event for an hour it was time to take off and go play some pool. I don't know if it was the perfect amount of beer, the strength and bar room knowledge i obtained from being there, or just a fluke,
but i shot the best pool i have ever shot i think in my life. Maybe next Thirsty Thursday I will do the same routine and see if it was a fluke or if maybe, just maybe being around horseshoe league can bring the best pool player out of me. Let's take a quick look at our weather shall we. Hey Ollie what's the weather looking like today? "IT'S GON' RAIN!!" Thanks Ollie. Well this is beernuts signing out, stay classy upstate NY. Let's now go to our Asian Correspondent Tricia Takanawa...

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