This world just never can be predicted. Article after article i read or hear on the news always shocks me. Of course the obvious with Eliot Spitzer. The dude is a NYS Governer he shouldn't have to pay $80,000 in money to have sex with some prostitute. I mean he should just pull out the yeah I'm the Governor of NY I'm kind of a big deal. Some kind of non prostitute women you would think would have fun with him for free. What do I know. Speaking of dirty girls according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1 in 4 girls have STD's. 1 in 4. That is crazy. I am glad I am not a teenager anymore. Do these kids not learn how to use a condom in health class? Just to throw some numbers at you the article says "More than one in four teenage girls is infected with common sexually transmitted diseases, federal researchers reported Tuesday. Almost half of black teens were infected." "Young women ages 14 to 19 in "alarming" numbers are contracting human papilloma virus, chlamydia, genital herpes and trichomoniasis, a common parasite, said Dr. Sara Forhan, a researcher at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the study team." "An estimated 3.2 million have one or more of those four sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs." So kids watch out for teenage women these days
or you might have yourself an extra itch or bump or even worst. As Rob Dydrek found out last night it's tough sometimes to find yourself a nice girl and not a dirty girl.

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