Now that I got the complaining out of my system let's talk about the biggest news story. Brett Favre #4 finally retires. After having such an awesome season last year he is calling it the end. Very interesting and you know Aaron Rogers is smiling ear to ear. He only has HUGE shoes to fill no big deal. If he can come up and silence the critics they will forget about Favre in no time. He doesn't step up and the Packers suck this year not good the backup of so many years. When Favre was hurt for a little bit this season Rogers came in and did a good job i think he will be good as long as people give him a little bit of time to adjust to his new role. I guess only time will tell. I am dissapointed i was looking forwared to seeing #4 back out on the field but i guess every good thing has to end at some point. I think i am mentally tired though so i will end the Favre discussion.
My boy Big Ben signed a HUGE deal. 8 years
102 million biggest deal in Steelers history which is impressive with all of the big stars and success the Steelers have had. You the man now let's get some more weopons on O and win us another Super Bowl.

Moss signs with the Pats for 3 more years, hopefully he turns into the old pouty Moss and the Patriots sucks. I don't see that hap
pening and for the next 3 years i think i am going to be mentally tired while watching the Pats win 3 straight. Giants got lucky to beat them this year, no way in hell that is going to happened next year. Pats win the superbowl and lose 2 games in the regular season.

Let's see what else happened in sports Crosby is coming back for the first time tonight after getting hurt on January 18th good news for my boys. Bad news for my boys Hossa got hurt in his first game as a Penguin and is out a week. Soccer of if you want or think your cool and call it futbol team Liverpool turned down a $800 million dollar offer by Dubai International Capital's to buy the team. This team was bought last year for $431 million. Let's see one year's worth of work a $369 million profit hmmmm i would of pressed the sale button. What do i know i will never get to own a $800 million dollar soccer team or even an $800 soccer team. I mean this is a team battling for 4th place in their league. For $800 million i would sell the team and buy the first place team, or hell buy another team and sell it to make more money. If i had $800 million dollars (insert song if i had a million dollars while reading this, and sorry for that song being stuck in your head for the rest of the day) i'd buy a soccer team!? Hell no i'd buy alot of other stuff maybe even a website that I had to pay for instead of this free blog. Alright well it's been fun enjoy the song. Peace in the Northeast.
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