Today's world is all about money. But it's a sad time when you have to start associating college sports with it. The biggest culprit? College Football.
I am not a NBA fan or a NCAA Football fan. The main reason? It's all about the money for them. NBA yeah I can understand these guys wanting a nice paycheck they are the best in the world at what they do. But NCAA football? Come on.
A lot of other sports are adapting with the times. NFL and MLB using instant replay for example. People were not happy with the idea at first but can you imagine what it would be like without it? It's like trying to picture your life without DVR. I mean there are even talks of expanding the replay now. Don't you think it's time maybe NCAA football changes?
My biggest hatred of NCAA football is because of the BCS system. If you don't know what it is Google it or simply leave now. I know I am not the only one who hates it but know who doesn't? College football executives. I mean this is a game where it's supposed to be about kids giving all they have to make it to the next level. A pure game that is played with passion not with passion to make money. But really it's all about college's making money, and kids making money.
Nebraska left the Big 12 for the Big Ten Network because of money. Texas stayed in the Big 12 because of money. The Pac-10 expanded, the WAC and Mountain West squabbled, and USC got sentenced to at least two years in NCAA jail, all because of money. All over today's news is Cam Newton, guess what it's about? Yup, money.
I know someone has to make money maybe I am bitter because I don't make much, but if the schools are going to make so much money off of these guys playing football why not pay them? If you made all this money for an employer you would expect something in return right? If not let me know I have a job for you. It pay's nothing.
Some people might argue that they get paid enough, they get a scholarship to go to school for playing football. Well i'm pretty sure that people who have good grades get funding for school and might even go for free. All they have to do is study and show up to class.
These student athletes have to not only put time in the classroom, library and everything else other students do. They have to put hours of time into being an athlete. Gym time, practice time, film study time. Yes for them sports comes first but they still have to maintain a GPA just like everyone else to stay in school.
You hear of certain players like I mentioned before that allegedly accepted cash while playing football. These guys have to pay for stuff and most of them don't come from money and can't get money. Yes they get a "free ride" but that ride doesn't include books, school supplies, entertainment, and everything else it costs to be a college student. Being a collegiate athlete takes up any spare time you have these kids can't go out and get a part time on top of everything else to make money to live. So why not pay them?
I could go on and on about this but I would rather stop here and put this up for conversation. Let's hear what you have to say. Even if you agree with me in paying them let me know. If you disagree I would love to hear why.
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