I was checking out my twitter feed and Yahoo Sports posted a tweet.
"Video: Woman makes 128 shots in a row in pop-a-shot http://ow.ly/3aDaL"
I couldn't get the video to load due to my lovely network here at work. So I hit up youtube. I am not sure if it's the same video but it has to be. If not I am impressed with this one. Check it out.
There are a couple crazy things to me in this video.
1)She is the best I have seen at this old school arcade game. You have played it before most likely and those rims are unforgiving. They take a bounce you throw up your next shot they hit each other balls are flying around the arcade. But this Asian girl has played a time or two.
2)The guy standing to the left off camera walks away not impressed apparently after 14 seconds of watching her. He is either embarrassed because he just made 10 in a row or just not impressed with her skills. Either that or the dance revolution game finally had an opening and he's going for it.
3)2 seconds later after dance dance man walks bye a lady then comes out of the back room after apparently ripping a couple lines of coke. She must be a serious gamer. It must have been her dance revolution spot that opened up.
4)The whole time red hat man is stretching out. He needs to be limber and well stretched before apparently trying to beat her? She just made a couple hundred in a row with a score of 256. All the stretching in the world will not help you beat her. She was tweeted by Yahoo Sports (I think) you are just the weird dude that has to follow up after. It's like the QB that has to follow in Peyton Manning's shoes. Good luck buddy.
As impressed as I am for her sinking all those shots in a row according to the Yahoo article it is not the Guinness world record.
"The scariest thing about this clip is that this woman amazingly enough is not the world record holder for consecutive pop-a-shot baskets made in a minute. According to Guinness, that record belongs to a man named Jay Kletecka, who made 139 in a row a few years ago."
To see the record holder and my favorite part of you tube all the haters posts check that out here. (Worst of all he is a Browns fan, at least Cleveland has a pop a shot record holder)
If only Ogdensburg had an Arcade I would leave now and work on a Guinness world record. Damn.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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