Here is the article courtesy of the Ogdensburg Journal
"HERMON - Two women were accused of performing sexual acts Saturday on a 75-year-old man in exchange for money and gifts, including cars and payments on furniture and utilities.
Tracy N. Surcey, 35, of 6258 Route 11, Lot 9, Canton, and Valerie Cleveland, 36, of 124 Main St., each were charged Tuesday with prostitution, a misdemeanor, St. Lawrence County sheriff's deputies said. Deputies declined to release the man's name.
The man reportedly offered each woman a used car, along with buying them furniture and paying their utilities, for having sex with him, deputies said.
Both women were arraigned in Canton Village Court and released under probation supervision. A protection order was issued for the man, who won't be charged, deputies said.
In January 2007, Ms. Cleveland was given a 1 1/2-to-3-year prison sentence on a third-degree criminal sexual act conviction for having a threesome involving a man and 16-year-old girl in April 2006."
So sorry to any of you local guys looking for a cheap prostitute, the two around here are going to jail.
Really though a 75 year old man? You hookers must have been hard up.
Curious to see what they look like? Well I wouldn't let you down.

To be honest I am kind of at a loss for words. Didn't know there were actually hookers up here. I thought they just lived in cities and all over Canada. Guess you learn something new everyday.
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