Tim Thomas got the invite to celebrate winning the 2011 Stanley Cup Championship on Pennsylvania Ave at the White House. A chance to meet our President Barack Obama. A chance to be with his team that helped him win the Cup, but he chose to not go. Was it the right decision?
Tim Thomas apparently is into politics. But according to him skipping the White House visit wasn't about politics. This is what he had to say on his absence:
"I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.
This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government.
Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL."
I am not into politics but I am pretty sure him not going to the White House was all about politics. This is a tough topic because as a citizen he has the freedom to go like any of us or any of his other teammates. So clearly I am all for being able to use our rights. What I do have a problem with is lack of professionalism. The way he let his team and organization down.
Thomas makes millions of dollars playing for the Bruins. He has millions of fans that enjoy watching him play for the Bruins. He has kids that look up to him. He needed to do the right thing. Put politics aside, be a professional and go up there with everybody else in that organization. How many members of his team took a punch or a puck for Thomas. How many members broke a bone, lost a tooth playing for him and the Bruins? He represented our country on team USA and couldn't take the time to show up for the celebration?
I feel he should be penalized by the team for not going. Yes I know he has the right to go or not, but when you are an athlete on a team, let alone a professional team, you do what the organization expects you to do. If you don't show up to a team meeting because you have the freedom not to go should you not be penalized? Same thing should apply here. If I am the Bruins I am using this as a reason to part ways with him as his contract expires.
Sometimes in life you don't want to do what you are supposed to do. You think all of us enjoy going to work or enjoy ever task we are supposed to do at work? Tim Thomas you are a professional athlete making millions of dollars. You were the Stanley Cup MVP. You represented us on team USA. Your teammates gave their sweat and blood for you during the season. Regardless of your political view or your freedoms do the right thing and show up. Put on your suit and your smile and be there with your team. If not for yourself for your team and organization. For the owners and investors that write you your check. They will always be there for you like they are now in supporting the poor decision you made.
If you are lucky enough to win another Stanley Cup I hope the White House does the right thing and not invite you because frankly you don't deserve it.
Have an opinion on this matter? Would love to hear it. Leave a comment or email me at 30mclear44@gmail.com
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