M-E-T-S Mets Mets Mets couldn't get it done with there main man Glavine in game 5 but ended up getting it done with a rookie tonight in game 6. So who will they turn to in game 7 to win the series my boy and ex-PIRATE Oliver Perez. Just one of the many talented players that if would of been still at Pittsburgh could have them in the post season. Sean Casey another ex pirate ya he is waiting to play the world series( well technically on the DL but would still get a ring). Jason Kendall another ex pirate lost to the tigers the future world champs. Jack Wilson was traded to the yankees and got to play in the playoffs something probably no pirates will see in my lifetime. Jason Schmidt a dominate pitcher in the NL Ex pirate. Barry Bonds the greatest home run hitter alive oh ya ex pirate. Brian Giles, Tony Womack, Aramis Ramirez, Chris Benson, Will Cordero, Alex Ramirez, Tike Redmond (Met), Pokey Reese, Julian Tavarez(Cardinals and Boston), and last but not least before i get pissed off and think of the playoff wins pittsburgh could of had Jeff Suppan. Isn't that something both starts for game 7 of the NL Championship are both ex pirates. Forget about the recently found out double Billy Buckner Curse. Ya the double billy buckner curse. He wore a cu

bs batting glover under his fielding glove so now the Bosox mixed with the cubs caused a double curse. Well if they had a double curse what kind of curse do the pirates have with trading all of there talent and having them all playing in the playoffs. 67-95 the 4th worst team in baseball. Forget Buckn

er and his curses how about showing or finding some kind of curse the pirates have and let's start to win a season and then maybe sometime reverse the trading curse.