I'm not real into other cultures of the world. I do not know about them and really don't want to learn them. All i know is this can't be normal. I think there is other ways of showing your jackass how to bath. Clearly you are the jackass for being butt naked in a creek or stream trying to get him in. Even the kid is smarter then you. Hitting him with a couple pieces of grass or some twigs. Put some clothes on even a pair of shorts. What would you think as a car driving by. Would you yell something as you drove by, because i know i couldn't resist a good drive by yelling. It is also intresting how you can see the pavement end in this place. Right behind the blue car in front of the van it turns to dirt. This naked fat guy and the jackass and the kid are on the nice side of town with pavement. I would like to find these people and pay for them to have a hose hookup to save the jackass the embars

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