I recently went to the Chinese buffet and can never help but wonder what am I actually eating. Everyone says oh shut up they can't really serve that stuff here, but i don't believe it. Maybe it is all the dog and cat and any other kind of roadkill the can find and eat that makes them have those unhuman like skills. The Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's. Or this random kid who is going to be the next Jackie Chan. Nobdy is even amazed that he is just chillin and doing whatever you would call it on that chair. Not quite a sit or a stand. Very impressive at that. More cat for this kid tonight. Also interestin

g looking at the bad ass rebel of the class. All the other kids in there nice white shirts and black pants except for the outkast. Maybe he didn't get the memo. But he is that one kid that has to rebel against authority. That is prolly why the teacher is coming to whoop his ass with the ruler. Look at this picture and tell me you would willing go to the chinese buffet for all you can eat. Where is the rice in the hat? At least they are very nice and polite people. There always saying thank you and hello and smiling. I love it when they approach you nicely saying one of 3 words they are trained to say. Then scream across the room in some chinese bullshit. I know it's a death threat of some sor

t. They always have their kids there also. I just didn't realize they were so poor they can't afford strollers. But hey multi task with a grocery cart looking object i suppose. I mean the kid looks fine. He is probably napping. Maybe he is in some kind of training. I'm sure he will grow up to be the next Bruce Lee kicking ass with the school kid above. Chicken O Rice, Table o boof, pepsi o coke, enough of the chinese i'm out for dessert.
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