Can't beat the canes might as well try to beat the canes. Serioulsy what are you going to do Ned. Clearly he is going to do well in this rumble. This fight had it all, helmet beatings, cleat st

ompings, beating up poor kickers, and guys fighting with crutches. What a great scene for college football and a power house football program. I mean almost as good for a program as Duke's lacrosse. A little different circumstance then a rumble but a powerhouse program getting caught doing something stupid. Athletes thinking they can do anything they wa

nt and get away with it trying to be dumbass frat boys, and being so pathetic they need to try to get laid from a stripper. Duke lacrosse players you are pathetic and hopefully it was good for you because if accused you will be a

stripper in jail. Don't worry i'm sure plenty of your fans will send you some soap on the rope to help you out and show their support. I cannot go without making a bash on Ron Artest. When talking about athletes a

nd fighting of course he comes to mind. Making Lisbon Native Rick Carlisle proud. I don't think this Detroit native was happy to see Artest. Pretty sure the guy in the green was on some kind of drugs or drunk because he looks unphased that artest is coming after the guy next to him. Good for you buddy i would have to be hammered to watch an NBA game too. In Artests defense i think he was just confused thinking he was a football playe

r wearing 91 as a number. Look at the bright side Garrison and Ibekwe had some good games over a college that isn't out raping strippers or brawling. Good for you guys. Speaking of Duke and how awesome they are how about J.J. Redick. Poor poor J.J. making all that money and in the NBA why not try to get hammered and drive around drunk. Every heard of a tic tac or some altoids. Good for you J.J. way to start off your rookie season. How was the lacrosee party anyways?? Too bad you couldn't have one more game at Maryland i would of loved to see there creative signs. Ok i'm done. Peace fleece and amish hair grease. Holla.
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